Privacy Policy
When you contact us
The information you provide (personal information such as name, address, email address, phone number, organisation) will be processed and stored so that it is possible to contact you and respond to your correspondence, provide information and/or access our facilities and services. It is sometimes necessary to pass information on to the County Council or District Council, the Council's insurers or others who may need to be involved with your query. If you object to this you should let the Clerk know.
The Councils Right to Process Information
GDPR (Data Protection Act 2018) Article 6 (1) (a) (b) and (e)
Processing is with consent of the data subject
Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation
Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller
Information Security
Hemingford Grey Parish Council cares to ensure the security of personal data. We make sure that your information is protected from unauthorised access, loss, manipulation, falsification, destruction or unauthorised disclosure. This is done through appropriate technical measures and appropriate policies.
We will only keep your data for the purpose it was collected for and only for as long as is necessary. After which it will be deleted.
We will not process any data relating to a child (under 16) without the express parental/ guardian consent of the child concerned.
Your Rights
Access to Information
You have the right to request access to the information we have on you. You can do this by contacting
Information Correction
If you believe that the information we have about you is incorrect, you may contact us so that we can update it and keep your data accurate. Please contact:
Information Deletion
If you wish Hemingford Grey Parish Council to delete the information about you please contact:
Right to Object
If you believe that your data is not being processed for the purpose it has been collected for, you may object: Please contact
Rights Related to Automated Decision Making and Profiling
Hemingford Grey Parish Council does not use automated decision making or profiling of individual personal data.
To Sum Up
In accordance with the law, we only collect a limited amount of information about you that is necessary for correspondence, information and service provision. We do not use profiling, we do not sell or pass your data to third parties. We do not use your data for purposes other than those specified. We make sure your data is stored securely. We delete all information deemed to be no longer necessary. We constantly review our Privacy Policies to keep it up to date in protecting your data.
If you have a complaint regarding the way your personal data has been processed you may make a complaint to Hemingford Grey Parish Council Data Information Officer: and the Information Commissioners Office Tel: 0303 123 1113
Cookies Policy
This local council respects your privacy. The information that you provide us with, or that is gathered automatically, helps us to monitor our services and provide to you the services that you are entitled to as a local resident or visitor to our website.
Is my visit to this web site anonymous? Yes! Your visit to our site is anonymous (no personal information about you is recorded or gathered) unless you contribute it or fill in a form requesting information.
Cookies and Traffic Logs Our website uses 'cookies' which we do not use to identify an individual. We use cookies to assist in the delivery of services to you and for some technical reasons. If you are registered to the site you can use cookies to stay logged in when returning. You can use your browser software to restrict or to refuse to accept these, or at a later point in time, to remove them. We do not pass on information gathered from these cookies to any third party.
What's a Cookie? A cookie is small file placed on a user's computer by a Website, which logs information about the user and their previous/current visits for the use of the site next time the user visits the site. More information about cookies can be found in Guidance to the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 which can be accessed by going to the Information Commissioner's website and following the relevant link.
What are Traffic Logs? We use traffic logs to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our Website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information anonymously for statistical analysis purposes.
Links Our website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices within any of these other sites. We encourage you to be aware of this when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements on other websites you visit.