Huntingdon District Council is the local Planning Authority and they have full powers when considering planning applications.
Hemingford Grey Parish Council is consulted on all applications falling within the parish boundary. These are considered at the Planning Committee meetings which are usually held once a month.
PC Planning Committee members visit the address of all applications to check that neighbours are aware and to notify when the committee will be considering them. Applicants and other residents may speak at the beginning of committee meetings. Recommendations for approval or refusal are forwarded to HDC and the PC is invited to speak at the relevant HDC meeting if it does not agree (either way) with the recommendations of the planning officers. Final decisions are made by elected HDC councillors.
For residents, you must be aware of the Conservation Area as this imposes further restrictions should your property be located within it. There are also a large number of trees with TPOs (Tree Preservation Orders) and you should check with HDC before you carry out any work on a tree within the parish.
See the main Planning page for latest applications.