Current Features
Marsh Lane Gravel Extraction
Works at Hemingford Grey Quarry will commence from Monday 22nd March
The Parish Council have been informed by Land Logical that they will be starting works at the quarry from Monday 22nd March.
The initial works will be to open up the entrance, installing a suitable bellmouth, gates and fencing.
This work will be followed by further archaeological works immediately after Easter, with quarrying works expected to commence a week or so later.
Marsh Lane Gravel Extraction October 2020 (PDF, 47 Kb)
Marsh Lane Gravel Extraction October 2020
Summary of the application background and operating parameters.
Marsh Lane Gravel Extraction Map October 2020 (PDF, 710 Kb)
Marsh Lane Gravel Extraction Map October 2020
Operating Boundary Plan
Hemingford Hub September 2019 (PDF, 290 Kb)
Hemingford Hub News Releases September 2019
Memory Lane Friendship Group
Good Neighbour Scheme